Amber Smith
Position: Accessibility and Inclusion Coordinator
Company: Parks Victoria
Location: Melbourne, Australia
A twenty-year career across disability, aged, emergency, health and government settings including the Inclusive Communities’ program in local government, implementing the Disability Liaison Officer program across tertiary health and the Safeguarding Care program at Ambulance Victoria. She have led disability action plan implementation for large organisations have undertaken exploratory research in complex communication needs of community engaging with emergency services. She is also an Advanced Life Support Paramedic and mum in which both roles have provided her a personal experience of disability. My role at Parks Victoria is to improve outcomes for people with disability. Ambeer oversee initiatives that aim to remove barriers, support a disability confident workforce, drive cultural change and codesign equitable opportunities for people with disability to connect with nature and receive the many health and wellbeing benefits it provides. The access and inclusion work applies an intersectional lens and is underpinned by the social model of disability, the principles of healthy parks healthy people.
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