Andrea Fuentes
Position: National Responsible for the Urban Parks Construction Program
Company: Ministry of Housing and Urbanism of Chile
Location: Coyhaique, Chile
Architect (Pontificia Universidad Católica, 2004), graduated in Public Policies (PUC, 2010), Project Evaluation (Universidad de Chile, 2006) and Cultural Heritage (PUC, 2018), interested in working in interdisciplinary teams and contributing to the development of public policies of the country. With more than 15 years of work experience, mainly in the public sector, in areas of supervision, management and coordination of programs and projects in the housing and urban area of the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism of Chile. Since 2018, she has served as National Coordinator of the MINVU Urban Parks Construction Program and was part of the coordinating team, editor and promoter of the national implementation of the National Urban Parks Policy (PNPU); which has meant participatory work with teams from the 16 regions of the country, in addition to intersectoral work with public entities, such as the Ministry of the Environment, Transport, Public Works, Social Development, and teams from foundations, NGOs, and universities linked to the themes of urban parks. She is currently in charge of coordinating the Regional Implementation Strategies around the PNPU. From the coordination of the urban park construction program, she monitored the progress of regional initiatives in the design and construction processes and promoted new intersectoral initiatives in support of national management: inclusion of children and adolescents in park participation processes, pilots of urban parks in wetlands, participation in studies such as "Urban Parks Sustainability Assessment Tools (HESPU)", Consultancy "development of proposals for management models for metropolitan urban parks with ecosystems of high natural value, such as urban wetlands" with Bank Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), SUBDERE and Ministry of the Environment (MMA). She developed functions between 2014-2018 in the National coordination team of the Competitive Program for Public Spaces of the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism of Chile - MINVU. 2012-2014 coordinated and managed emblematic intersectoral projects as part of the Bicentennial Legacy Presidential Program, including: Cerrillos Bicentennial Park City, Bulnes Axis Project, Rancagua Cordillera Park, O'Higgins, Valparaíso and Antofagasta Regions Institutional Building; in addition to MINVU Eje Bulnes and MINVU - MOP- SUBTEL Torre Antena Santiago Public Tender (2012-2014) and MINVU Quality Management Plan Program (2008-2011), among others.
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